Monday Evenings - 7.15-8.15pm

    at St Marnock Church Hall, Kilmarnock

    All beginners welcome


    Tuesday Mornings - 10-11am

    at The Howard Centre, Kilmarnock

    All beginners welcome

    For more information on Yoga Classes head over to our Classes page or to book click the button below.


    At The Wellness Hut we offer a range of different Private Yoga Programs available that come in both 1-2-1 and 2-2-1 packages..... head to the Private Session page to see all the different packages that are available to you.


    At The Wellness Hut Mindfulness is used throughout many of our service as we find it a very beneficial tool to help manage day to day life in a more relaxed and stress free manor.

    For more information on Mindfulness head over to our Mindfulness page or to book a private session click the button below.


    Reiki healing therapy a natural, non-invasive, holistic approach that has the intention of promoting self- healing, to bring a sense of well-being and peace to each individual.

    Reiki is a technique that uses energy force to reduce stress and anxiety and encourage relaxation. The method uses gentle touch and placement throughout the chakra’s and other areas of the body that may be causing stress or pain to help to heal them.

    For more information on the benefits of Reiki Healing Therapy head over to our page or to book click the button below.


    If constant fatigue is slowing you down, Lymphatic Drainage Massage (MLD) could be the solution you’ve been looking for. This gentle, superficial massage technique not only helps detoxify your body but also boosts your immune system, reduces fatigue, and revitalizes your energy levels.

    Lymphatic drainage massage is also used to relieve lymphoma following breast cancer surgery, and can be very beneficial with other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, Chronic venous insufficiency and lipedema.

    For more information on Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage head over to our page or to book click the button below.


    We have a wide range of Wellness Packages available her at The Wellness Hut. Each package is uniquely catered to each individuals needs.

    To view all the Wellness Packages available head to the page or to book at a time that suits you best just click the button below.


    At The Wellness Hut we have a wide range of Holistic Therapies available to you, from Massage, Reflexology to Reiki Healing Therapy.

    For more information on the therapies head to the Holistic Therapy page or to book click the button below.


    We have a wide range of products available to you here at The Wellness Hut, so whether you are looking to boost your energy, help heal your skin or improve your nutrition, we have you covered.

    Head over to our Shop for more information on all the products and to view all that is available for you to buy.


    We have a wide range of Gift Certificates available to you all at The Wellness Hut ranging from £20 all the way to £65.

    We also have Wellness Packages which are available as a gift also.

  • From first consultation to the end of the 6 week block Samantha made me feel at ease to ask questions and talk about anything. I originally went solely on the focus of adjusting my bad eating habits ..... but I got so much more! We talked through things, worked on loads. And I have came away feeling much better in general, more positive, focused and definitely a calmer person.

    My awareness to how I think and act is much improved, which will allow me to continue my journey to better things. And most of all, I have lost weight while attending so all good for the future .

    Thanks again Samantha


  • Over the course of the last 2 months I've been attending weekly sessions with Samantha on Zoom. She immediately put me at ease with her relaxed and friendly demeanour. I wanted to try out Hypnotherapy for a number of reasons, mostly to try and get my confidence and motivation back after a long period of feeling down. Samantha spent time explaining the process, and I could see improvements in my mood and how I was approaching situations from the start. The sessions are very relaxing, and I would highly recommend her services.


  • I made the decision to attend hypnotherapy sessions with Sam after months of trying to resolve my issue on my own. My issue was scratching my skin. After a time of blaming it on everything else - covid, menopause, I came to the realisation it was connected to stress. I had attend yoga classes with Sam so felt relaxed and comfortable to attend sessions. I wish I had made the decision sooner. Sam makes you feel very relaxed, non judgemental and explains everything thoroughly about hypnotherapy. After my 8 sessions with Sam I feel more positive, relaxed and can deal with stressful situations more effectively. More importantly my skin is starting to heal itself through not scratching.

    I made my own decision to complete the sessions after 8 as now I feel more relaxed and in a better place. I highly recommend Sam and wouldn’t leave it as long the next time in the future if I ever need to go back.


  • I can't thank Sam enough for all her help. The difference in my sleep, my energy levels and my all round well-being has just been amazing! Every week I look forward to my session and especially look forward to the relaxation/trance part where I can completely switch off! Sam has helped me so much in getting my life back and putting my energy into what really matters without feeling anxious about it. I couldn't recommend her enough. Thank you so much for all your help and support.


  • Sam took me through the whole process of hypnotherapy explaining everything that she does in detail and why I was feeling so anxious all the time, which really helped and made a lot of sense. She also ensured I understood everything. She is incredible friendly and I can't wait for my next session.


  • I am really enjoying my hypnotherapy sessions with Sam. After just a few sessions in I am already feeling the benefits and how much my confidence has grown in such a short period of time. Sam is so easy to talk to and has such a soft voice, she listens without judgement, and helps you move into a more positive way of thinking. I am also receiving regular reiki healing treatment which has made a massive difference in allowing my body to relax more and helping with my shoulder pain. The difference both treatments has made to me is amazing as I continue to look forward to my appointments with Sam.

    Thank you Sam


  • I started yoga with Sam in the summer last year and have been going to her classes ever since. Amazing teacher and she has helped me find time for me.

    I also highly recommend her aromatherapy sessions, tailored to suit your needs and a very relaxing environment, I am feeling the benefits already.


  • Feeling very relaxed after my Aromatherapy massage with Samantha. Lovely and warm studio. Great ambience. Would highly recommend. Thanks


  • Had my third 1-2-1 with Samantha and can definitely feel the difference around my core and also across my shoulders which is exactly where I need to tone up. Each session was tailored to my age, agility and personal needs. Having an hour for me each week has made a huge difference to the way I feel about myself and so looking forward to continuing to learn more about yoga and how to relax while improving my mental health and fitness.

    Would highly recommend Sam to everyone who is looking to invest just a little bit of time on themselves - we deserve it because we are all special.


  • I love the classes that Sam runs. She is very supportive and understanding of any injuries or restrictions in movement. Although the yoga classes are gentle you can challenge yourself with each movement. Thanks Sam for putting these classes on.


  • Had my first session with Sam tonight, was so good and feel so relax. Tailored to my needs. Sam was so friendly and put me at ease straight away.


  • 1st time visiting Sam and having a chakra cleanse. Didn't know what to expect but Sam put me at ease and explained the treatment before we started. Had a lovely, comfortable treatment that left me feeling relaxed and revived and a lovely wee chat afterwards, couldn't recommend her enough.


  • I recently had a lovely full body aromatherapy massage with Sam the other week. I felt so rejuvenated after it. It gave me such a lift. I booked in for a 1:1 session and thoroughly enjoyed it. I have since had another two 1:1 sessions with my last next week. I have enjoyed it so much that I have booked in for another four 1:1s. I have never felt so well in a long time. I've been away from yoga for too long now. Great wee yoga teacher. 


  • I hadn't had a massage in a long while and booked myself in for a deep tissue massage to work out some of the knots. Sam was fabulous and feel a million times lighter and everything is less tight. Will definitely be back for more treatments.
